PICA 2022
Photography: Zal Kanga

Our Company

Acknowledgement of Country
stop drop + roll theatre company are based in Boorloo (Perth) situated on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar. It is a privilege to live, make and play on this land, which is home to the oldest continuing culture, and first story tellers in the world. We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, and recognise an urgent need for truth telling in colonial australia. We pay our respects to elders past and present. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

Videography by Michael Sgro

Who are we?

“Think beautiful things, believe it was all like this” - Everything Flickers, PICA development 2022

Every new work of art takes its place in an expansive cosmos of past/present/future art; a momentary spec informed by infinite other lineages. A symphony is composed from other musical phrases established through history, only to be sampled in a theatre show 500 years later. And what’s 500 years when the first peoples of our country have been telling stories since the land was soft?

Given our own small spec in lineage, we intend to use it as so many other artists before us have. To imagine, as an act of defiance, a better world. This is a practice of love. Increasingly however, in the collapsing remains of late stage capitalism where drones fight human wars and we measure our worth against the myth of exponential productivity and capital output, it is an act of resistance. 

We are a young company with an unrelenting curiosity. We are chasing the excitement of the unknown by pushing the boundaries of performance. Creating at the intersection of theatre and performance art, we work with interdisciplinary alchemy to create visually arresting moments of affective utopia (or at least, we strive to).


Meet the Team